Our Team
Johnny Lee
I am a Senior in San Jose State University studying in Business Management. I am interested in topics of Global Leadership and International Management. Specifically KM and Entrepreneurship. I have extensive knowledge in Sales and Relationship Management Skills. I spend my free time engaging in outdoor sports such as snowboarding, swimming, golfing, rock climbing, basketball, skateboarding and bicycling. My other hobbies are also related to entrepreneurship activities such as finding and serving niche markets.
Assunta Ng
I'm a year 1 student studying Human Resources Management. I'm also a full-time elite athlete, representing the Hong Kong badmiton team and the city university team. I am interested in sports management.
Chan Wing Huen:
i'm a year 3 student from china business. i'm a squash team player and have been involved in this sport for more than 10 years. i just come back from exchanging in copenhagen and it was a great one. i enjoyed my life there and i wish i could go there again. :)
Molly Mok:
I am a year 3 China Business student. I studied in ShangHai University for a semester before and also joined a work and study program in US in the last summer. Through this course, I would like to explore more about the world.
Philip Chau:
I am a year 3 , Global business & system management student. I studied in Nanjing University and Syracuse University. I am a punctual person.
Group Goals:
Gain knowledge on international management techniques and skills
Get an A in the course (receive high marks)
Have fun while learning in this class
What excites us about weekly topics:
Virtual teams and interactions using the computer
Learning by conducting interesting activities
Formulating strategy and making decisions
What Additional Topics we would like to learn:
Currency problems with China and other concerned countries
Corporate Social Responsibilities trends and concerns
Globaliztion Myth:
Globalization takes away jobs